A key challenge facing all law firms at present is recruitment and retention of staff.
In our LFMC Professional Services Marketing Survey conducted in March this year, recruitment was cited as one of the top 3 leading challenges for firms. 86% of respondents also indicated that they are looking to increase their headcount in 2022.
This challenge is backed up by other research including the Thomson Reuters State of the Legal Market 2022 report and now also the Hinge Inside the Buyers Brain report.
So my challenge to all you marketers out there is – what are you doing to support recruitment and retention in your firm?
And my challenge to managing partners, partners and lawyers is – are you empowering and collaborating with your marketing teams on your recruitment and retention strategy?
Marketing’s role is to support firms strategically as well as tactically, to inform and guide our firms in the areas where we can help the most … this won’t always be about clients (new or existing). Sometimes it’s about other things, and recruitment is right up there as a key need for law firms right now.
Think about it.
As marketers we have the skills, the know-how, the tools and the remit to drive a recruitment and retention strategy.
Having the right people is critical to the success of any business.
Taking that thinking a step further, your ability to attract and retain the right talent can affect the clients you acquire.
In most firms there is a huge cost and resource aspect to recruitment and retention and as marketers we can help make the financials stack up. Strong messaging about how and why people chose to work at your firm, staff talking about their work, the opportunities they have, the culture and fun ‘extras’ and much more. This all creates a powerful and positive image for your firm.
It positions your firm as a place people want to be; it helps to remind existing staff that your firm is a great place to work.
So – if you haven’t already done so, I suggest you sit down now as a business and start your long-term recruitment and retention marketing campaign.
As with any good marketing campaign, have a clear vision and defined goals, agree your metrics and measures, define the activities that will help you achieve your objectives and then crack on!
LFMC members firms have access to our Marketing & BD Checklists and Activity Templates that they can use to structure their campaigns.
If you would like to chat about how or where you can get started ... do get in touch.