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Welcome to our previous events page. Listed below are the events we have held in the past. Please click on the event to access a summary of what we covered.


Members can access recordings of previous events in the members section.

July, 2023

Practical Podcasts: Why, How & Top Tips

July, 2023

"Practical Podcasts: Why, How & Top Tips" with host Clare and guests Ben and Sophia from LFMC will cover podcast popularity, production process, qualities of successful podcasts, and tips for aspiring podcasters.

With Clare Fanner, Find Get Grow, Ben, Awesome Panda Productions and Sophia Stancer, LFMC

April 2023

Professional Services Marketing Survey 2023

April 2023

Professional Services Marketing Survey 2023 Results

Clare Fanner & David Gilroy

March 2023

Law Firm Leaders Q&A

March 2023

In this Q&A Panel session Clare Fanner spoke to Peter Hamilton (Tinsdills) and Peter Taylor (Paris Smith) to understand their challenges, opportunities and current focuses.

Peter Hamilton, Tinsdills & Peter Taylor, Paris Smith

March 2023

Cyber Security: Why it is so important to protect our data/reputation against hackers and scammers?

March 2023

- How do hackers get into our systems?
- What are the 5 best ways to protect ourselves from cyber crime?
- How do you report cyber crime?

Francis West, Westek

February 2023

Pricing & Value in 2023

February 2023

This fast paced & irreverent webinar is focused on Value & Pricing in modern law firms. Alex Barr has worked for over two decades with tech, law firms and starts ups, helping them to build great commercial skills – including pricing, cross selling and sourcing clients.

Alex Barr, Third Bounce

February 2023

Dealing with Difficult Customers

February 2023

Understanding why people become difficult

Clare Yates, CY Training Works

January 2023

The Economy: Where are we now & what’s coming? An outlook for professional services firms.

January 2023

James Sproule shares a detailed update on the economy.

James Sproule, Chief Economist at Handelsbanken

January 2023

ChatGPT: What's all the fuss about?

January 2023

A live demonstration and discussion covering some of ChatGPT's capabilities.

Clare Fanner, Find Get Grow & David Gilroy, Conscious Solutions

December 2022

What Clients Want 2022

December 2022

In this session Clare was joined by Bernadette Bennett from Moneypenny to share the results from the latest LFMC What Clients Want Research, they also shared trends and insights into best practice and things firms can do to manage and meet clients evolving expectations.

Clare Fanner, LFMC,

December 2022

How do you get ahead of the competition in a digital market?

December 2022

Digital is a vital channel and one which is being used by more firms than ever before.

Dan Hodges & Sahra-Marie Tulloch, Conscious Solutions

November 2022

Getting Better Results from LinkedIn

November 2022

LinkedIn is an increasingly important platform. It’s a means to connect with the people we are looking to work with and for; and a means of developing our networks. It’s also platform we can use to communicate ‘our stuff’.

Richard van der Blom

November 2022

How can law firms standout in a sea of sameness?

November 2022

This talk was based on research Simon conducted for law firm blogging platform Passle earlier this year, for which he reviewed the thought leadership content of 400 leading law firm websites: 200 in the UK and 200 in the US,

Simon Hayhurst, Hayhurst Consultancy

October 2022

Legal Directories – Make better submissions; Get better results

October 2022

AKA How to get your firm & partners ranked in the legal directories

Getting recognition in the legal directories is more than just an accolade, it’s a reflection of your quality and experience, it demonstrates to potential clients that you are regarded as one of the ‘best’. Getting recognition is a combination of many factors. But it’s not enough to ‘just’ do good, interesting and complex work, although you clearly need to have this as well!

Clare Fanner

September 2022

Client Listening: What it is, Why Bother and How to Do It Well

September 2022

We speak to our clients all the time, so what is so special about Client Listening? In this webinar, Claire Rason, Client Talk, talked through what Client Listening really is.

Claire Rason

September 2022

What are the value drivers that clients want? How can you differentiate your firm?

September 2022

Your firm's reputation is based on what people say when you're not in the room.
So how do you know how people feel about your brand?

Paul Roberts, MyCustomerLens

July 2022

CRM: Make Better Use of your Data

July 2022

In this session Simon McNidder one of the UK’s leading professional services sector experts talked to us about all things to do with CRM.

Simon McNidder

July 2022

Google Analytics 4

July 2022

Google Analytics 4 is the newest version of Google Analytics. It’s used by most websites to track and monitor website visitors.

Jamie Stevens, Conscious Solutions

July 2022

Which should come first – An increase in price or an improvement in service?

July 2022

Focusing on improving customer service but accepting that it will cost both time and resource.

Clare Yates - CY Training Works, Alex Barr - Third Bounce

June 2022

Building Relationships in a Digital World

June 2022

Building relationships online is different than in person but there are some similarities. David Gilroy, showed us how to do it.

David Gilroy, Conscious Solutions

June 2022

Collaboration: It's Personal

June 2022

Collaboration that works for all parties. What, how and practical pointers.

Declan Swan, UK200Group

May 2022

An ROI & attribution journey: There and back again

May 2022

This engaging webinar focused on Moneypenny’s ROI and attribution experience.

Lee Bishop, Moneypenny

May 2022

Lessons from across the Pond

May 2022

The US Legal Market

Steve Fretzin

May 2022


May 2022

Expectations might be the amazing game changer you weren't expecting.

Sandra Thompson

April 22

Professional Services Marketing Survey

April 22

In this webinar we shared the findings from the LFMC Professional Services Marketing Survey which was undertaken in February & March 2022.

Clare Fanner - Find Get Grow, David Gilroy & Jonathan McGill - Conscious Solutions

March 2022

Ukraine Crisis Fundraising Workshop: A structured approach to lead gen, conversion and client retention

March 2022

Find out insights from our 2021 what clients want research,and watch sessions covering lead generation, conversion and client retention.

LFMC Partners

March 2022

What is content marketing and what role can it play for your firm?

March 2022

What is and how you can engage your colleagues around the firm in creating content; how you can make the most of the investment through amplification; and how it can help with your marketing strategy without breaking the bank.

David Opie, Today's Media

March 2022

What Clients Want Series: What is important to clients & how can firms practically deliver whilst staying true to their business model?

March 2022

In this session we looked at the key findings from the LFMC What Clients Want Research published in December 2021.

Gareth Horner - Parker Bullen, Sue Murphy - Paris Smith, Amy Hartshorn - Moneypenny

March 2022

B Corp: What is it and why should your firm become B Corp Certified?

March 2022

This session is being presented to help you understand what’s involved with B Corp and how it might turbo charge your business in the new era of sustainable and conscious business leadership.

Tim Wookey, Nancy Hyne

February 2022

Bravery budgets, being bold, culture, autopsy without blame and more

February 2022

Gareth Turner, Head of Marketing at Weetabix explained how using your strategy to guide decision making and creating a bold and empowered marketing culture is the key to great marketing.

Gareth Turner

January 2022

Law Firm Horror Stories

January 2022

A fast paced packed session delivered by the LFMC Partners,detailing law firm horror stories with top tips and solutions to avoid them happening to you.

LFMC Partners

January 2022

Talking Funny: How to add humour to your presentations and pitches with Jeremy Nicholas

January 2022

Jeremy shows us ten ways to get a laugh when delivering a talk, presentation or workshop.

Jeremy Nicholas

January 2022

Social Media Workshop - A content plan for your personal profiles: what you should and shouldn’t be sharing

January 2022

A detailed session focusing on content

Laura Morris, Conscious Solutions

January 2022

DPA & Marketing Compliance in 2022

January 2022

This webinar will guide you through GDPR and The Data Protection Act

Emma Dimbylow

January 2022

Social Media Workshop - Building the right network: who you should and shouldn't connect with

January 2022

An interactive session focusing on building the right network

David Gilroy, Conscious Solutions

December 2021

What Clients Want

December 2021

In this session, we launched the What Do Clients Want Research 2021

Clare Fanner - Find Get Grow, Paul Roberts - MyCustomerLens, Bernadette Bennett - Moneypenny

November 2021

Effective Internal Communications

November 2021

How to get heard, how to use internal communications to support/help senior management and the role of internal communications positively influencing culture.

Alice Colarusso, Head of Internal Communications, ITV

November 2021

Social Media Workshop

November 2021

The Social Media Landscape in 2022 and finding your own place

David Gilroy, Conscious Solutions

Nov 21

Demystifying Chambers Legal Directory Submissions

Nov 21

AKA How to get your firm & partners ranked in the legal directories

Katie Read, Eloise Haines

Nov 2021

LFMC Networking Breakfast

Nov 2021

Lara shared her top tips in effective networking.

Lara Squires, Consortium

Nov 2021

Getting & Using Case Studies – for PR, for legal directories and for marketing

Nov 2021

Case studies can and should be a key part of your professional services firms approach to marketing. A case study has many benefits, including helping to generate leads and sales, but also to act as proof, validation and reassurance to clients and prospective clients.
After all – we all want a trusted expert that has a track record of helping people like us, with challenges like ours!

Vaughan Andrewartha, Chilli Communication & Clare Fanner, Find Get Grow

October 2021

Deep Listening: Impact Beyond Words

October 2021

Communication isn’t just about what you say, it is 50% speaking and 50% listening. Most programs about effective communication focus on speaking with influence and leading change by setting a compelling vision, yet over 93% of change initiatives fail. There is a missing ingredient – leaders who listen.

Oscar Trimboli

October 2021

Getting Better Results from LinkedIn – Get Inspired and Get the Know How

October 2021

In this session Richard focused on how LinkedIn works – the algorithm that affects the reach of your posts and inspired us to use this platform in ways that will really start to deliver.

Richard van der Blom

October 2021

Resilience and the Importance of Mental Health

October 2021

In this session we move away from a key marketing topic to take a step back and focus on our mental health, wellbeing and resilience. To perform we all need to start by looking after ourselves and those around us.

Nick Bailey

October 2021

LFMC Partners Breakfast - Networking

October 2021

Lara shared her top tips in effective networking.

Lara Squires

September 2021

What do Managing Partners Want, Need and Expect from Marketing?

September 2021

Join Ed Whittington from Moore Barlow, Matthew Fretten from Frettens and Helen Spencer from WR Partners to understand their challenges, opportunities and focus.

Ed Whittington, Helen Spencer, Matthew Fretten

September 2021

Podcasts: Why & how professional services firms can use podcasts

September 2021

Podcasts are growing in popularity and present a great opportunity for professional services firms to engage with their clients, referrers and wider community. It’s also a great platform to share content. And it’s not as hard as you may think!

Liz Drury

July 2021

Effective Internal Communications

July 2021

All companies communicate with their employees - but does everyone get it right? ​

Alice Colarusso, ITV

June 2021

Technology and Innovation

June 2021

When it comes to technology and the future of legal services, Christina is not only a lifelong innovator but also sits at the heart of government policy and lectures on innovation strategy.

Christina Blacklaws, Blacklaws consulting

June 2021

Getting Partner Buy-in and Internal Engagement

June 2021

Making your idea a reality: How to take that idea to improve the business and construct the case such that everyone buys in to make it happen

Richard Gigg

June 2021

Online reviews

June 2021

Online reviews are important to businesses of all types as we increasingly look online for 'endorsements' from people before we choose suppliers.

Saleem Arif, ReviewSolicitors

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